Dances classes for preschool to teen!

Class Tuition

Choose the best program for your young dancer

Creator’s Arts Centre is a non-profit dance studio in Kelowna that offers professional dance classes for students aged 2 to 18. With a variety of dance classes and scheduling available, your family can create a dance program that helps bring out the best in your young dancer.

Tuition fees for all 10 month classes at CAC include tax and are split into ten equal payments for your convenience. We also have tuition assistance options for dancers who need financial support to participate. For our online application for Tuition Assistance, please click on this link:


Invest In Your Young Dancer

Family Discount: Creator’s Arts Centre applies a family discount of 5% on tuition fees to the second child, 10% for the third & 15% for subsequent children who dance within the same family. The discount is applied to the child(ren) taking the same amount of classes or less than the child with the most classes. This discount is only for 10 month programs and not short term ones.

Tuition Discounts: The more classes a student registers for, the more affordable the hourly tuition rate will be! Our dancers max out at 9 hours of class time per week, so any class time over this limit is FREE! Multiple class discounts will be reflected in the final screen during the registration process.

Unless otherwise noted, all classes are 10 month programs (September-June). Monthly tuition charges are the class tuition fees divided into 10 month payments for your convenience. Each class offered is guaranteed a minimum of 34 Classes between September and June.

Tuition Policy

Payment Policies

  • All fees include GST. Tuition is calculated on a 34-week dance year and is not pro-rated for classes missed due to student absence for any reason other than a medical emergency.
  • 10 equal payments Due the 1st day of each month, your tuition payments are not ‘monthly’ payments that are pro-rated for holidays or days missed. They are a full-year’s tuition, divided into 10 equal payments for your convenience.
  • Method of Payment: Creator’s Arts Centre does it’s billing through automatic credit card withdrawls for 10 month classes. Short term classes can be paid by credit card or etransfer.  A credit card must be on file for every dancer.
  • A class is considered a time of instruction, performance time or extra rehearsal class for a performance. Extra fees will not be assessed for classes that exceed 34 weeks, however, students who miss classes and are required to make them up – either on their own time or in a private lesson (additional fees will be collected).


  • Class changes for the 10 month program are accepted until September 30th — we want to find the best possible fit for your child and sometimes that means a little adjusting. After September 30th, a $50 cancellation fee for each course is required for discontinuation of a class. If you wish to withdraw from a class, you must contact the office. There is no reimbursement of fees after November 1st. Classes dropped after this date will be charged in one lump sum to your credit card on the drop date for remaining tuition for the year.
  • Short-term courses, including preschool programs, are non-refundable after the third class.
  • A fee of $10 will be assessed and collected for each payment that is 10-days late and an additional $5 added on the 20th of the month for a total of $15. The $15 fee will be charged each month that the payment is outstanding.
  • Students will not receive costumes until they are paid for in full. If costume fees are outstanding at the time of the recital, that child will not dance in the final production.
  • Registration fees are $15 and are due annually at the time the student registers and goes towards administrative fees and Studio SOCAN fees. For families with 3 or more students dancing, there will be a flat registration fee of $30.00 due. *All must be returning students. The Registration fee is non-refundable.
  • All accounts must be up to date by May 2nd or your dancer will not be permitted to perform in the recital.
  • Dancers who miss more than 10 classes in any one discipline may not be permitted to perform in the recital.
  • The studio reserves the right to discontinue a dancer’s classes for non-payment of service and/or fees owed after 30 days.

Costumes & Recital Fees

All classes 4yrs old and up participate in an annual year-end production in May.

Each Costume for all 10-month classes is $83, due November 15th. Costume fees are included in the short term program price. 

Recital Fee: A recital fee for each student will be due on March 15th of each year.

  • 1 student in family $75
  • Additional family members will be $40.00 each

This recital fee goes towards the facility, technicians, staff and the theatre’s maintenance and SOCAN fees. With this fee, each family will receive a production T-shirt for each child and 1 production digital download per family so you can watch the magic again and again! New** this fee now inlcudes all sitting fees for photo days! And a group photo from each of your dancer's recital dances.

Payment Options
Tuition Assistance

As a charitable organization, Creator’s Arts Centre is able to offer Tuition Assistance to qualifying families. If your family requires assistance, please fill out our online application at this link:

Attendance and Make-up Classes

  • Students who are registering in our 10-month classes are expected to participate in classes for the full dance year (September to June).
  • Students are asked to notify the CAC if they will be absent from class. Absences can be logged in your online account. Where possible, the student may arrange with their teacher and take a make-up class within four weeks of the missed class.
  • Creator’s Arts Centre follows the schedule of School District #23 for all statutory holidays.
  • There will be no regular classes during Christmas Break or Spring Break.
  • Creator’s Arts Centre reserves the right to cancel a class if the teacher is unable to attend and cannot find a replacement.  Cancelled classes will be rescheduled as soon as possible.  When rescheduling is not possible we will offer a credit to your account or a refund.
  • Students are expected to be ready for the start of class on time, with hair done and the appropriate dance wear on (see Class Attire requirements).
  • Students arriving to class more than 10 minutes late will not be permitted to participate.


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